Sunday 11 September 2011

Toto, We're Not in High School Anymore!

As I’m preparing for University, I look at the schedule for my first day of classes. Letters such as BDC, followed by hundreds of numbers, is what I find on my page. Unsure of what these letters and numbers mean, I head over to the Ryerson website. There I learn how to translate these course codes. Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock I will be sitting in my Digital Media lecture. Digital Media? Now, I must translate these terms! Right away, because of the simple word “digital” I think of cameras. Besides hearing the word “digital” combined with the word “camera” it is not often thrown around. Cameras remind me of visuals and therefore I assume that: “digital media” means visual media. Without second guessing this idea, I go into my first digital media lecture (and my second university lecture EVER) ready to learn about the visual aspect of media. 

Okay. I may have had to wake up at the break of dawn—literally, to get there on time, but after my two morning lectures I was in love! My assumptions were not entirely correct. Whereas I assumed “digital media” was merely the visual aspect of media, I learned that it means so much more. Digital media is what is currently, for lack of a better description, attacking our world. Blogging, music, video, file sharing, social networking— It has taken over! Think about it. Is there anyone you know that doesn’t have a Facebook account? Nowadays it’s rare to hear a no in return to that question. Not many hesitate before uploading their newest photos or typing their personal thoughts into the big wide word of the internet and as long as they’re treating they’re accounts properly—keeping everything clean and professional, why not? Digital media is fun! It’s exciting to post pictures of your vacation for family and friends to see! It’s nice to share how great your day has been going, post something cool you found on youtube or even just to talk to an old friend you haven’t seen in forever! It feels good to be able to do so much without having to leave the comfort of your home. Now don’t get me wrong, sitting on a quiet beach reading your favourite book is more then exciting as well— But, you have to admit that going online and discovering how many other people are obsessing over that same chapter and that same character sends excited shivers down your spine. This world has become a digital media frenzy and it’s not stopping here. With all this wild technology, our worlds norms and values are changing fast and one must join in to stay in. 

While learning all about Digital Media, I realized it’s a crucial part of my education as a RTA student. After university I will be thrown into this crazy world. I will have to shape myself in ways that are beneficial for the industry I plan to enter. My four years at Ryerson will allow me to learn about the newest technology and newest trends in media today. With almost everything being done online these days, I must prepare for a world where EVERYTHING is done online. Creating a sophisticated online presence for myself and ensuring that I stay active in both social and digital media is where I shall begin. This Digital Media course will be the start in preparing me for a job that may not even exist yet! 

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