Friday 11 November 2011

Burn Barbie Burn

For my Trailer I decided to go with my initial idea—a Pretty Little Liars. I purchased a Barbie & burned her. I always feel rather crazy saying this, but it’s true. I did it & it turned out pretty well:
However, I realized I should have probably come up with a plan before hand. I went in thinking woohoo gonna burn a Barbie. But I never really decided if I was going to do stop motion, or work with footage. In the end I left it up to my friend—who took pictures and just went with what I had. This has taught me to think about what I want in the future, as it is my project and without direction it may not turn out exactly as I hoped. Lucky for me, this time, I loved the final results. I should just know for next time that having an initial plan doesn’t hurt anybody.

I am currently on the look for fonts that compare to the original Pretty Little Liars title as I feel keeping it mostly the same will add to the overall piece. Here is the font below (taken straight out of the opening title sequence):
Here is the font I will most likely 98% use (I found it on
 Now I am just trying to sort out putting the pictures together to skillfully create an overall piece. I have based my ideas off the opening title sequence of the show—which looks a little bit like this:

In the end, I’ve really learned that trial and error and mistakes make a piece what they are. If I don’t know how to do something—Google it! I found this great tutorial on shattering glass that I will use in my final piece! Experimenting is key in creative work, as you don’t know what works best until you try it out.

PS. Today is 11/11/11 no big deal!

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