Friday 28 October 2011

An Idea of Perfection!

For my motion graphics assignment I am considering doing a trailer for Pretty Little Liars. It is a popular book and more recently a popular TV show for teenagers—generally girls. This coming week there is a special Halloween episode airing. All week I heard about the airing of the show—my best friend is obsessed. As I “cleaned” my room, I found one of the books in the Pretty Little Liars series. The cover had a barbie on it, and all of a sudden I had an idea!

For my motion graphics I plan to somehow light a barbie on fire—I’m aware that sounds a little pyromaniac-like, but I really think it could look cool. Pretty Little Liars is all about secrets ruining “perfection”. When secrets are out, people break. I thought showing a burning barbie could reflect this idea. It might be a little crazy. However, in lecture we watched videos where mistakes (such as the bottle of liquid spilling), or trial and error made the entire piece stronger. So, I think I’ll buy a barbie—or dig an old one out of storage, and see what burning it will look like.

So far I am liking after effects. In grade 11 I took a Com Tech class where we learned to work with Flash. After Effects is a lot like flash—but with a little extra UMFF. Kind of like Flash on steroids. I don’t really know how to work all the fancy stuff yet, but everything else is pretty straight forward and simple. I’m excited to learn more about it. It looks fun. Although I am worried that we won’t have enough time to learn a whole lot before our trailers are due. I just I’ve just to wait and see!

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